Bob Kearns (top left) has been in the business of helping companies look good in their marketing efforts since 1976. Starting out in the traditional advertising sector, he has managed many ad campaigns and projects for large and small organizations. In 1994, he started designing websites with a view toward the future, and believes that the Internet represents the most "bang for the buck" of all media. Bob is a registered webmaster at SeaNet and WhidbeyNet. |
Larry Guilliatt is a master of illustration and illusion. His superb artwork has been winning awards in various arenas since high school, and he is affectionately known to peers as a "Designer's designer," because of his vast knowledge of creation and production techniques. Larry has been working on effective websites since 1999, while also running a successful legacy graphic design business and instructing at Highline Community College in Washington. |
Doug Reis is truly a renaissance man of the 21st century. He has passion for all things electronic and mechanical, but could survive indefinitely in the natural elements without benefit of modern amenities. He has degrees in art and computer science, with related real-world experience in design, advertising and web development. One of his unique signatures is the ability to create and execute original animations in the .gif format with photos and drawings. |